About the District
The Foresthill Fire Protection District (FFPD) was created in April of 1946, after over 15 years of service by the Foresthill Volunteer Fire Department. The District exists in order to provide local services relating to the protection of lives and property of the community members as well as visitors to the Foresthill area.
The Foresthill Fire Protection District is located in the foothills of Placer County, east of Auburn, CA and Interstate 80. The District provides all risk fire protection services including advanced life support and ambulance transport to a geographical area comprised of approximately 89 square miles. This 89 square mile district has a permanent resident population exceeding 6900 community members that is bolstered by visitors to the areas many recreational opportunities including lakes, camping, hiking, cycling, trail riding and whitewater rafting. The District also provides advanced life support services, rescue services and wildland fire protection to an expansive area of the US Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management lands through auto aid agreements and contracts. The auto aid and contract areas account for an additional 411 square miles for a total coverage area of approximately 500 square miles.
The District provides fire protection, advanced life support transporting ambulance service, rescue services, basic hazardous materials response and other services relating to the protection of lives and property within our jurisdictional boundaries, as well as providing assistance to neighboring communities when a need arises. The District is governed by a five member Board of Directors (Board) elected by the general population residing within the district boundaries. Board members are elected for staggered four year terms. The Board has continually provided this service to the extent possible based on given budgetary restraints. The Board appoints the Fire Chief as the lead manager of the District. The Fire Chief operates the District with one (1) part-time Assistant Fire Chief, one (1) District Manager, one (1) part-time Administrative Assistant, three (3) Full-time Captain positions, three (3) Engineers/Company Officers, five (5) Firefighter Paramedics, and (4) part-time paid Firefighter Paramedics.
Currently the District operates with (2) Type I fire engines (pumpers), (2) Type 3 brush engines, (1) OES type 6 brush engine, (1) water tender, (3) staff vehicles and (3) ALS ambulances from its three strategically located stations within the jurisdictional borders. Calls for service in the 2022 to 2023 fiscal year totaled nearly 750, with the largest percentage of these as requests for medical services.
Population 6,900 people and approx. 1800 residences
Area Covered 500 Square Miles
ISO rating 03/3Y